Ever stop to think that how much the three major religions have in common? Islam and Christianity both came from Judaism, in fact Christians believe that Jesus is god and Islam feels that god is separate from Jesus and that Jesus was a prophet. I always thought it was funny how the religions always fought each other in wars and in holy wars, even when you look at it and dig deep it is a really good possibility that if there is a god, that it can be the same god for all three?
Then there is people like me who believe that there is a god somewhere but god was never a mortal, that he made humans able to evolve, to think, to create sciences to act in gods stead, I mean god is god and must be busy creating life elsewhere that's how we evolved to become smart and just. Now where to people who think like that fit in? They believe in god but not in the ways of any religion, are we the ones that are going to burn for believing but in a different way?
I mean after all if you created life and had to create more wouldn't you make them smart enough to babysit themselves?
The American
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The same god?
Posted by
4:18 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The warming is coming
Before you start blaming your neighbor that owns an SUV for global warming remember a few things. The earth changes climate every so often, it has highs and lows, Now carbon emissions does speed up things and maybe prolong it. But the fact is no matter what we do things change, look at the look at the big sandbox in Africa for instance, it used to be green and lush now it is just vast dunes and sands. It goes to show that in an age with no big carbon output the winds changed, currents moved, and the sand moved. I think it is a great idea to reduce your carbon foot print by planting trees to offset what you make in carbon emissions for the year, reducing the carbon you use also, but the fact remains that there will be new beach front property some places anyways.
As always I'm always listening to reactions about my comments but remember one thing, I do support global warming because i hate winter, but something needs to be done as to not make it worse.
Attempting to be green American
Posted by
10:04 PM
Blog with me
I'm always interested in starting debates or talks between people, since some people only have one view of things and other people have many. If anyone wants to add a blog to the site (which means to post and have me and other view it and commit on it) feel free to send an e-mail to me via link, I'll look at it and if its not too offensive I'll post it.
Send a comment and ask for my email to get your post added, to control spam i removed my email
Posted by
12:07 PM
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Good Food
Alright I'm going to break from pointing things out and talk about something good, FOOD. I was browsing sites the other night and not only did i find a good comic strip(which i added to the blog so i can share with everyone) but also i found some good food sites. Now mind you a lot were vegan our vegetarian, which is alright if that's your cup of tea, me on the other hand i will eat and try almost everything the key word is ALMOST. I will stay away from the fungus, then there is insects, no need to say more, then finally tofu i tried it many times and each time was worse then the others. But that's only my taste, a taste is just like an opinion and a certain body part, everyone has one! I am always into salads and other veggie foods, fruit, meat, dairy so I'm always looking for ways to expand past my favorite type of dinner chicken Alfredo.
If anyone views this and knows good foods please share with me so i can try them organic, non-organic, vegan, vegetarian or not feel free to share.
Hungry American
Posted by
2:50 PM
The auto industry
With the auto industry laying off people and just cutting jobs for good, its a wonder why the housing market is gone, the economy is in trouble. But the best i seen is people following the fad of buying foreign cars complaining about it, then when you ask them why they brought the foreign car they did you get the same repeated answer "better quality". Well news for those people you do not get better quality from them, half the time they lie about fuel millage on cars they have even been sued over it, i seen more problems with a certain company car made in japan then i have with any Ford, GM, Chrysler cars. I feel when you buy foreign cars you cannot complain about the economy, since you are one of the main reasons it's off track in the first place.
But off course can't blame the foreign car buyers, you have to blame the workers who refuse to accept salary cuts. they are making twenty-three dollars an hour or more and refuse to drop it down. The magic bubble is busting it is just a matter on what else is going with it.
Angry American
Posted by
2:07 PM
When The good ole days of America were happening, The only crime that was rampant was mob crime. Since the government has effectually reduced the power of the mob crime has become more and more prevalent. I feel the reason is due to the fact that the mob controlled people and prevented crime because it would cost them money from the heat of the law shutting down operations, money runs the world right? well with the mafia shut out street gangs started filling the void, drugs became more wide spread, gang violence has spread and innocents get hurt, there is no hierarchy everyone fights with each other.
When the mob was big fights would happen sure but they made sure that the innocent three year old in a house did not get killed by a drive by, they handle things quietly, and more over protected neighborhoods with out money being exchanged due to the fact it benefited them. Now all the people have protecting them is the law which does not have the control the mob did they have to follow rules, rights, and politics.
But hey i could be wrong give me a reason why i am!
Angry American
Posted by
12:04 AM
Labels: Mob Power
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Joe Francis raw deal
It just came to my attention that the creator of girls gone wild is in a lot of legal trouble that has been falsified. In this day and age we tend to think that the system can't screw us, well of course we were wrong. I will be the first to say the dirt bag should rot but the story got me thinking, if one man a rich and influential man can have his rights denied and spend time in jail on no legal charge just make a settlement or go to jail illegal charge, then how many not so rich people are sitting in jail for no reason, losing there god given rights and the ones created by man to protect the American people.
I feel as Americans we owe it to people to help protect their rights as a united states citizens. it can be done in many ways, blogging, writing congress Representatives. There are many ways to voice your views. help protect your rights pass along this message!. to view more about it check out his page http://www.meetjoefrancis.com/legalstory/
Angry American
Posted by
6:53 AM
Labels: Rights
Friday, December 7, 2007
What the heck
why is it today people seem to think it is alright to constantly butt into other peoples life.It seems like it never ends, from non-smokers preaching to smokers about their air quality, how smoking causes cancer, how nasty it is to kiss a smoker.
Well i have news for ya chances are that a smoker knows that it may cause cancer, that your air quality is already bad from the SUV you drive and from companies piping pollutants into the air, chances are a smoker has already kissed a smoker and knows what it taste like. So i think it is safe to say that you can stop being broken records and repeating the same things about smoking.
Another thing i have seen people butt into is another person's kids. I once saw a mother spank a child after the child was running around a shopping center like a wild animal. Then an older fellow thought there was a need to butt in and scold the mother for spanking her kid, that's right i said her kid not his.But i bet when the older fellow was a young parent instead of just spanking their child with their hand, but also probably used an object like a belt, switch, wooden spoon. I'm sorry for all those spare the rod fanatics but i feel Kids some times deserve a smack. it's better that then having the kid run into an old lady and having the old lady get hurt, it is also better then the kid breaking something expensive and having the mother pay for it.
I think it is time for people to wake up and not interfere with other peoples lives without being asked to do so.
Angry American
Posted by
2:16 PM