I would like to know some favorite foods people have. Since it is past my lunch time and I am feeling a tad hungry I want to know what everyone likes to eat on a brisk Autumn day? Me personally I still like getting out and grilling bratwurst with baked beans and corn, or maybe kabobs. Anyone else?
Friday, September 26, 2008
More about the Bailout plan
Well once again I will talk about the Bailout plan. It seems that what I see as a plan that will hurt and help people is getting tweaked in Washington over the weekend, since our two party political system can never agree on whats better for their agendas. As you see I did not say "whats better for the people" since the actual people that need help get ignored, you know, those people who lost work and can't afford to keep their children in a house! Maybe there might be just one person in congress saying hey we should give this money back to the people, to help the economy the lowest rungs of the classes have to spend money that is not linked to a loan.
If the lenders get this bailout I fail to see how it will help those people who can fix this economy. Sure lenders can be free to hand out more loans, and mortgages, but that does not fix the problem but adds a band aid to a wound that needs stitches. Somewhere someone has to see that the fix has to come from the bottom up instead of the top down.
Posted by
1:36 PM
Thursday, September 25, 2008
The Bail
Well the time has come for lenders to receive taxpayer money to end the recession, they will get billions of dollars and the thought is they will start issuing credit again. But my thinking is that the money should go to the people losing their homes to pay the mortgage, to help reset their debt. I mean think about it people lose their job or take pay cuts, the people who find new jobs get less pay, now how are they supposed to afford all that they have after that? They have car payments, mortgages, insurance plus a family and getting more credit does not help them, it will only make it worse.
The plan only seems to be aimed to help companies that made really bad choices, while Americans made bad choices but did not choose to get pay cuts or lose their job! The money should go to the people so they can start over not a greedy institution that choose to foreclose on a home instead of working with home owner and making them homeless. So I feel Americans are footing the bill of this bail out and in return will get no relief from it! It will not bring back in jobs, or earned money but like the commander and chief said there will be credit being issued again. So feel free to get more loans to put yourself in further debt in other words.
An American
Posted by
9:56 AM
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Back at it
I took some time off to attend my college and focus on that for awhile, I had some amazing school activity's to attend while their. One thing I noticed while attending these functions is the amount of activism, political agendas, and of course what is a college function without the military.
As you walk through rows of people pushing ideas, you wonder if this is all college is all about, it is almost like a bad role playing game. Are you playing the part of activist? Maybe a military recruit, or a normal person with mixed beliefs and feelings. Each role comes with many other options of sub categories, the numbers are endless just like the ideas people believe are right.
What ever happen to just going to college to study and not being forced to conform to one of the ideas? Even teachers use college to push an agenda and just like with the people at the functions if you happen to disagree with them you are put in a bad spot.
I'll have more on this later on when more time comes my way to write, I ask anyone who reads this to share their thoughts and ideas, or maybe an experience.
Wondering American
Posted by
10:25 AM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
New Guest
I hope to get new viewers soon so. For our new guest welcome, leave comments, send e-mails to me with post to put up, talk about anything and everything
Posted by
12:47 AM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Return to normal?
The Last few years winters have been warm, sea ice was disappearing, and the global warming movement was in full swing. But this year, the winter was still mild for some but for others it was cold, cold enough for the sea ice to come back with a vengeance! But as always i must always state my view right or wrong! I think the earth has phases and as a result of weather, the axis, and alignments with the solar system, and even the earths functions like volcano's, some funky stuff happens here on earth, including warming and cooling.
I would also like to state this be it as it may, even if we are not the cause we should do what we can to reduce the human factor in these cycles, but i would not say spend a lot of your money in doing so, like i have seen people do recently due to the fear that Al Gore put into everyone. Instead i would say make a budgeted plan to reduce your foot print over the years.
But I'm always open to comments as long as the person giving them is open minded about the idea and not dead set with everyone spending their hard earned money to save humanity now.
The Observant American
Posted by
10:01 AM
Friday, February 22, 2008
Why America is the beacon of hope
The reason America is a superpower, the defender, the world’s police officer, is because the people in the country had made it clear that “no longer can a power sit idly by when another nation’s people are being hurt by their government”. The American people feel no one deserves this, regardless of their religion, color, or gender, the reason for this is because of the mixing pot that America is where everyone her in this nation descended her from somewhere else, even the native Americans came from Asia. The thing that makes this mixing pot work towards unity when it can easily divide is the fact that everyone here believes in the country and not there almost as much as there religion, but when you look at some countries they do not have any sense of their country, for instance the Middle East a persons country could be wiped of the face of the earth without the people in the country caring as long as their religion is there. But in America if someone tried to attack the nation the people in the country will die to save the nation.
Now you may be reading this and saying this has nothing to do with being the beacon of hope, but trust me it does for a few reasons. This is one of the only countries where a poor immigrant can be rich, one of the few countries where you are free to do almost anything you please within the law, and one of the few nations where you can be whatever religion you want you want without worrying about persecution. To show how far some immigrants will go to help and be part of this great nation, a good number of them join our armed forces to fight in wars that the nation believes in even though their home country of origin does not, and they joined the military on there own without being forced to, now does that show how we are the beacon of hope? No not all the way but it is a good start. I mean what else would you call it when an immigrant moves to our nation joins the military to fight in a war for our nation and sometimes die for it?
sadly time makes me have to keep this shorter then it needs to be so I'll be adding more in another post
the proud American
Posted by
1:17 PM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I took a brief break and now I’ll be back updating the blog
Again, I have been a busy little bee the past month and I'm kind of still busy butI have more time now so check back soon
The rested American
Posted by
12:21 PM