Sunday, December 9, 2007

The auto industry

With the auto industry laying off people and just cutting jobs for good, its a wonder why the housing market is gone, the economy is in trouble. But the best i seen is people following the fad of buying foreign cars complaining about it, then when you ask them why they brought the foreign car they did you get the same repeated answer "better quality". Well news for those people you do not get better quality from them, half the time they lie about fuel millage on cars they have even been sued over it, i seen more problems with a certain company car made in japan then i have with any Ford, GM, Chrysler cars. I feel when you buy foreign cars you cannot complain about the economy, since you are one of the main reasons it's off track in the first place.
But off course can't blame the foreign car buyers, you have to blame the workers who refuse to accept salary cuts. they are making twenty-three dollars an hour or more and refuse to drop it down. The magic bubble is busting it is just a matter on what else is going with it.

Angry American

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yea thats right