Sunday, December 9, 2007


When The good ole days of America were happening, The only crime that was rampant was mob crime. Since the government has effectually reduced the power of the mob crime has become more and more prevalent. I feel the reason is due to the fact that the mob controlled people and prevented crime because it would cost them money from the heat of the law shutting down operations, money runs the world right? well with the mafia shut out street gangs started filling the void, drugs became more wide spread, gang violence has spread and innocents get hurt, there is no hierarchy everyone fights with each other.
When the mob was big fights would happen sure but they made sure that the innocent three year old in a house did not get killed by a drive by, they handle things quietly, and more over protected neighborhoods with out money being exchanged due to the fact it benefited them. Now all the people have protecting them is the law which does not have the control the mob did they have to follow rules, rights, and politics.
But hey i could be wrong give me a reason why i am!

Angry American

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah the big citys became a mess after the fall of the mob. their still around but with far less power.